1. Log In 2. Register 3. Student Main Menu

1. Counsellor Upcoming Appointment 2. Counsellor Schedules 3. Counsellor Choose Appointment Schedules

1. Counsellors Appointment Details 2. Counsellors Report

1. Log In 2. Register 3. Student Main Menu
UKM Kaunseling
IDE: Android Studio
Language : Java
Database : Firebase Firestore
Android mobile application
Allows students to choose counsellors and choose date for counselling appointment at UKM
Allows counsellors to set their appointment schedules ,write and keep all reports of every counselling sessions.

UKM Rental
IDE: Eclipse
Language : Java
Database : text file
Create renting services only in UKM
Students can rent cars
Students can become the car rental providers

Automotive Care v1
IDE: Visual Studio
Language : Visual Basic
Database : Microsoft Access
Allow users to update, delete and insert automotive products, customers and staffs
Allow users to view and buy automotive products
Allow users to create orders and invoices

Automotive Care v2
Editor: Sublime Text 3
Language: HTML,CSS,PHP,Javascript
Database: PhpAdmin MySQL
3-tier PHP web-based ordering system which focuses on automotive care products.
Allow staffs to create new customers, staffs, products, orders and invoices
Allow admins to create, update and delete customers, staffs, products, orders and invoices